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“Sunset” Linen Garland with Shells

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SKU: sunset-linen-garland-with-shells-664577004 Category:


Holidays, finally! In every summer palace and every royal chamber, garlands highlight the magnificence of the little prince or princess and the little knight or fairy. The same goes for tents in the garden!

Garlands are an ornament to any interior. You can use them to be part of the set design for a puppet show, a birthday party or a carnival ball. They can turn a child’s room into a magic kingdom, rock a play date, create a fairy-tale atmosphere for reading a book at bedtime.

Garlands are a wonderful addition to a canopy, a tepee, a crib, wall decoration, or a window.

The season for relishing on raspberries, catching butterflies and lounging in the shade continues. If only it weren’t for the increasingly longer evenings and some birds getting ready to fly , please stay, you’re the best!

Combine our garlands with canopies and cushions!

The garland is carefully made of 7 linen seashells (2 marsala, 2 rusty, 2 desert sand-coloured, 1 teal), hung on a cotton string decorated with wooden beads.

Seven pendants on a cotton string, decorated with wooden beads.

Dimensions of each pendant: 18 cm x 15 cm.

Garland length: 3.5 m.



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